What Is Colloidal Silver? |
Ionic Colloidal Silver
Silver ions are recognized by most experts to contain the most desirable
qualities associated with silver,
There is actually a lot
of debate on the internet about particulate v/s ionic silver. Some colloidal silver
manufacturers claim that only "particulate" silver is
true colloidal
silver and as such, always works best, while ionic silver is somehow its
vastly inferior cousin.
Lab Study Concludes: Ionic Silver is Up
to 10,000 Times More Effective
In reality, ionic silver solutions are not in the least bit
inferior to particulate silver solutions. In fact, recent studies have shown quite
the opposite.
As you'll see on this link, ionic
silver solutions have been demonstrated to be up to
10,000 times more effective against pathogensthan particulate silver
Ionic Silver is another step
forward from Colloidal Silver.
The particle size is so small
that nothing can be observed under an electron microscope! Ionic silver
is a solution consisting of water and single
atom silver
ions (dissolved silver) and contains no
silver particles. Ionic
silver is conductive and the electrical conductivity is directly
related to the ionic concentration. The ions in solution remain dispersed due
to mutual repulsion created by the ionic charge.
When colloidal silver is stored over
a period of time, the particles tend to agglomerate (clog) and build even larger
clusters... which then reduces the amount amount of
ions, thereby reducing the silver's
What Doctors are saying about Colloidal
What Doctor's Say About
According to experts, no microorganism ever tested has been
able to stay alive for more than six minutes when exposed directly to
colloidal silver!
Dr. Harry Margraf, a
biochemist and pioneering silver researcher who worked with the
late Carl Moyer, M.D., chairman of Washington University's
Department of Surgery in the 1970s: "Silver is the best
all-around germ fighter we have." Science
Digest cites colloidal silver as "...a wonder of modern
medicine," and further states"Antibiotics kill perhaps a half
dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650.
Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is
non-toxic. Colloidal silver, used as an anti-microbial agent,
will not create super bugs as antibiotics do."
Alfred Searle, founder of the giant Searle Pharmaceuticals (now
Monsanto) stated, "Applying colloidal silver to
human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with
astonishingly successful results. For internal administration ... it
has the advantage being rapidly fatal to pathogens without toxic action
on its host. It is quite stable." Further information indicates that
Colloidal Silver does not cause harmful interactions with other
medications or topical treatments.
Larry C. Ford, M.D. of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
UCLA School of Medicine, Centre For The Health Sciences reported in
November 1, 1988, In laboratory tests with colloidal silver,
bacteria, viruses, and fungal organisms are killed within minutes of
contact." I tested them (the silver solutions) using standard
anti-microbial tests for disinfectants. The silver solutions were
anti-bacterial for concentrations of 105 organisms per ml of
Streptococcus Pyogenes, Staphylococcus Aureus, Neisseria Gonorrhea,
Gardnerella Vaginalis, Salmonella Typhi and other enteric pathogens,
and fungicidal for Candida Albicans, Candida Globata and M. Furfur."
Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, noted biomedical researcher
from Syracuse University, and author of The Body Electric and
Cross Currents, recognized a correlation between low silver levels
and sickness. He said silver deficiency is responsible for the
improper functioning of the immune system. “What we have done is rediscover the fact that silver
killed bacteria, which had been known for centuries.” In the
process of his work, Dr. Becker discovered that he
had wiped out
types of bacteria across the board, even those that were
resistant to antibiotics." Regarding the innate ability of
metallic silver to control infection, Dr. Becker said: "all of
the organisms that we tested were sensitive to the electrically
generated silver ion, including some that were resistant to all
known antibiotics." On the safety of silver, he said, "in no case were any
undesirable side effects of the silver treatment apparent."
Dr. Bart
Flick of Argentum Medical LLC, another
early pioneer in silver medical research, invented FDA approved
Silverlon wound contact dressing. "The antimicrobial activity of silver rests upon the
interaction of silver with the bacteria's cellular membrane. This
interaction can occur through the presence of a silver ion in solution or the release of
silver in an ionic moiety directly from the surface of metallic
silver when a bacterial cell membrane comes in direct contact with
the metallic surface."
Dr. Henry Crooks, author of Use of Colloids in Health
Disease, found that silver in the colloidal state is highly
germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely non-toxic.
From his bacteriological experiments with silver he
concluded, "I
know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory experiments in
six minutes."
Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom, of the Larolinska Institute,
Sweden, has successfully used silver as a component in his cancer
treatments for many years.
Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, A. M., M. D. (John
Hopkins) states, "Speaking generally, the colloidal metals are
especially remarkable for their beneficial action in infective
Dr. Richard L. Davies, executive director of the
Silver Institute, which monitors silver technology in 37
countries, reports: "In four years we've
described 87 important new medical uses for
silver. We're
just beginning to see to what extent silver can relieve
Peter Lindemann reports in his 1997
article, Colloidal Silver, A Closer
Look, that a
study conducted in part by the Institute of Microbiology in Rome,
Italy and published in Applied and Environmental
Microbiology (Dec. 1992), stated that
"Pure electro-colloidal silver out- performed silver nitrate,
silver chloride, and silver sulfadiazine as a broad spectrum
germicide. For all classes of bacteria, fungus, and mold samples
tested, pure electro-colloidal silver worked better, and at much
lower concentrations. They concluded that any additives reduced the
effectiveness of the pure silver ion."
According to Dr. Evan
of Illinois, Kansas"We have
had instant success with Colloidal Silver and immune compromised
patients. A few examples
are: Pink eye (topical) totally resolved in less than six hours;
recurrent sinus infections (oral ingestion) resolved in eight
days; acute cuticle infections resolved twenty four hours.
Another major area in which we have improved our clinical results
is in the area ofbowel
detoxification and dysbiosis. The colloidal silver has provided excellent
removal of abnormal intestinal bacteria also it has proved to be a
great adjunct to our Candida albicans, Epstein Barr Virus and
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome protocols.
Ionic silver contains much smaller
particles of silver than plain old colloidal silver. The idea is
that it is absorbed into the bloodstream more
Ionic-colloidal silver
has a higher
silver content, and a smaller percentage of (particulate) colloidal silver
Others Have Said About Ionic Colloidal
Silver |
"Silver has been known for itsantimicrobialproperties
for decades"
FDA Nov. 8, 2007
United Nations World Health Organization
Silver is found in human diet,
"up to 88 µg/day (Kehoe et al., 1940)."
U.N. World Health Org
Health Canada
Common foods contain silver: Wheat flour, bran, meat, ...
"several hundred milligrams per kilogram, have been recorded in mushrooms"
-Health Canada
National Institutes of Health - Pub Med
"Nanosilver has developed as a potent antibacterial, antifungal, anti-viral and
anti-inflammatory agent. ... The targeting of cancer cells using silver
nanoparticles has proven to be effective"
-Pub Med,
NIH.gov - Nov-Dec 2009
National Institutes of Health - Pub Med
"[silver colloid nanoparticles]
showed high antimicrobial and bactericidal activity ... including highly
multiresistant strains ... A very low concentration of silver (as low as 1.69
mug/mL Ag) gave antibacterial performance.
-Pub Med,
NIH.gov - August 2006
Government of British Columbia
"Silver is a disinfectant for non-spore forming bacteria at concentrations
about 1000 times lower than the levels at which it is toxic to mammalian life.
ionicform of silver is necessary"
-British Columbia Ministry of Environment
Nursing Times
"Silver Treated Products Reduce Levels of Hospital Bacterial Contamination"
Journal of Infection Prevention
"A mean reduction in bacterial
counts of
95.8% was demonstrated"
-Journal of Infection Prevention

Internal and External
Colloidial Silver 99.99% 20
INGREDIENTS: Pure Distilled Water, 99.99% Colloidal Silver 20




OM-138-ICS-064 64 ounces

OM-138-ICS-128 128 ounces

